Fiddler And The Night

I walk down the street, back to my home,
With the Fiddler’s violin filling the night sky.
He never stops his chatterings about birds and bugs
And cats and dogs
And spring and his grievances
Of the things he forgot.

I could really use an excuse right now,
To make him stop and listen,
That I really have no time to listen his chatterings,
About birds and bugs
And cats and dogs
And spring and his grievances
Of the things he forgot.

Oh, yet another night later!
After my students got on my nerves again,
After 6 bottles of alcohol,
I go back to my home,
And this son of a bitch is still behind me,
Oh, he never stops his chatterings,
About birds and bugs
And cats and dogs
And spring and his grievances
Of the things he forgot-

“Stop!” I yell,
His chatterings suddenly stop.
“Just stop,” I say,
“I don’t wanna listen to your chatterings anymore!”

“But why?” He asks, his voice filled with naivety,
Does he have trouble understanding that,
His chatterings are just pointless to me!?
Oh, his goddamn chatterings about
Birds and bugs
And cats and dogs
And spring and his grievances
Of the things he forgot!

One night later,
After yet another tiring school day,
After 5 bottles of beer,
I go back to home,
And the Fiddler’s still there,
Silent this time.
The night sky is empty without
His chatterings about
Birds and bugs
And cats and dogs
And spring and his grievances
Of the things he forgot.

“The stars are really nice this night” his first sentence,
I don’t want to respond.
“I don’t care about stars anymore” I answer anyway,
Surprising, I thought,
Why did I even answer the Fiddler?
“But why?” He asks, his voice filled with naivety,
“The stars can soothe one’s soul in the most strange ways!”

“Do I look like I care?” I should’ve just gotten rid of him already.
He was getting disappointed,
The FIddler let out a quiet sigh in the end,
And the silence continued.