
Juno's Extraordinary Purgatory

Welcome to my page! I am Juno, a neurodivergent Turkish artist living in Portugal. I essentially opened this website to display my art and writings and webcomics and stuff like that! But I am not that good at neither drawing or coding so this site may look a little bit bad...

Anyways, I have several plans for this website that I will put in reality once I figure out how to build a proper website and learn HTML and CSS at a decent level. One of these plans is to use this website to publish my webcomics. I have a small webcomic idea I am toying with for a while and I am actively thinking of turning to into a webcomic series. I won't give much info, but it will follow an episodic story structure to explore characters' backstories and the general world building with occasional plot based chapters (I was never good at crafting plots tho). And other than that, I have bunch of other small/short story ideas as well that I might turn into a webcomic. Another thing I am thinking of putting in this site is a section where I can post my art and another section where I can talk about my day, any recent events or just shitz I wanna talk about at the moment (literally a personal blog page).

Internet Persona Art

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About Me!

DNI (Do Not Interact)

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